Friday, September 28, 2007

exercise update

it's been 5 months since I started to get somewhat serious about exercising, i'm happy to report that i'm still doing it. i'm playing tennis 2-3 times a week, i've started to join some friends for an 8 miles walk every sunday morning for the last month. and starting today i'll be doing some exercise in the morning as well. since i committed to taking my son to school at 7:15am everyday, i'm planning to exercise for about 30 minutes everyday in the morning (either running in the streets or calisthenics at home). this will be in addition to what i've been doing. let's see how long this will last.

the one effect of all this exercising is that i feel slight aches and pains all the time from sore heels, arms, legs, etc.. also because i feel i've earned the right to eat a little more, i've actually gained weight, not much, but enough to cause me to be more vigilant about what i eat. the other thing is my heart rate has gone back down to about 58 bpm. it has gotten as high as 70 a few years ago. in college, when i was a lot more active it was in the low or mid 50s. i'll monitor the next month to see whether i can keep up the morning exercise, and what impact it has.