Monday, May 21, 2007

La Folie

This is the 3rd time that’s I’ve eaten here, and like the previous visits the food was excellent. Let me state clearly that the food here is excellent, well worth the money. And for those who like good sized portions, this is the place to go, a rarity among the fine-dining establishements. And the service was prompt and cheerful.
I was in a mood to try a lot of food, so I ordered a 5-course dinner which I substituted dessert for another entrée. I had been working to expand my capacity for food in the last 2 months, however, it was still more food than I can handle.
I had a soup, duck consomme with slices of duck breast and foie gras tortellini. While it was good, it was also kind of ho-hum tasting.
The next dish was the Seared Foie Gras, most striking/memorable dish for me. It tasted flavorful and decadent. The foie gras was “melt-in-your-mouth” soft. It was both sweet and savory. On top of that, it was a big piece of foie gras, the size of a hamburger patty.
I then had the Lobster salad, this was a great dish. It was light and refreshing when I could have been a little heavy.
The next dish was the Sturgeon with Porcini Mushrooms, Leek and Potato Broth. This was an excellent dish. Since I normally do not like fish I might not have fully appreciate this dish. But the flavor was deep but subtle, and texture of the fish was firm. It did have a hint of fishy taste, which I did not like. I knew that this would be the case, but I wanted to try the sturgeon, since I’ve never had it.
I then had the Quail and Squab Stuffed with Mushrooms. By this time I was stuffed. I had a piece of each and while it tasted good, my palate was getting dulled enough that I don’t think I can do this dish justice. I had the rest packed to go.
Next time, I need to remind myself to not get greedy and order too much. It will be difficult because the whole idea of eating out is to eat good food that I don’t normally eat, and when the restaurant is this good, it’s too easy to be tempted to order more than I can eat. At least I didn’t try to eat everything and overstuffed myself like I did at Michael Mina’s 3 months ago. On that occasion, I ate so much (it was only a 3-course dinner, but it was still a lot of food) that I felt full till the next day. At that point I felt that I need to expand my appetite to the point that it can handle a nice meal without getting full. So for the last 2 months I’ve been eating more and exercising more to make up for it. I would have to say I’ve succeeded.