Monday, June 18, 2012


This is a follow-up on my post on June 4th.
Two weeks have past since I became concerned about my state of being (ED).  Not much have changed, I'm not cycling except for a couple of commutes to work.  I jokingly describe my situation as like a bicycle tire with a fast leak, you can pump it up, and the tire will stay in riding condition for about 10 minutes, so if you want to use it, you need to pump up the tire, and ride hard and fast to get to where you're going.  Yesterday (6/17) was the first time in the last two weeks, where I don't feel as if I'm losing "air" quickly.  Although I'm still not as sensitive and as easily aroused as before.  I'm still remarkably calm about this situation considering that I LOVE sex.  Still have not felt compelled to use the Viagra sample that I was given two weeks ago. Will continue to monitor the situation, and update if anything pops up.